Pieter de Graaf


The first album in Pieter's series, entitled 'Tapestry of Life: Everyday Whispers' marks the beginning of a series in which Pieter explores the extremes of his musical passion, while at the same time maintaining his unique signature. The subtitles of the albums indicate what atmosphere you can expect: 'DAY' includes sensitive, romantic piano compositions, while 'NIGHT' crosses the sound spectrum with electronic elements and loops. In his first “Day” album 'Everyday Whispers' Pieter shows his introspective and sensitive side through short, quiet piano compositions.


DAY & NIGHT: A Tapestry of Life

Pieter de Graaf continues to push boundaries with his latest project, ‘DAY & NIGHT: A Tapestry of Life’. Known for his innovative approach to music, Pieter once again breaks with musical conventions and combines thoughtful piano sounds with energetic electro beats in both his new show and the accompanying album series.

“With my new album and show I want to show that opposites can reinforce each other, not exclude each other. This applies to everything: from emotions to social issues. My music translates these extremes – from tranquil piano songs to powerful electronic passages. ‘Day’ to ‘ Night’, all captured in the ‘Tapestry of Life’. Live, this combination really comes to life; the contrasts reinforce each other,” Pieter de Graaf explains.

‘DAY & NIGHT: A Tapestry of Life’: Album series The first album in this ambitious series, entitled ‘Tapestry of Life: Everyday Whispers’, marks the beginning of a series in which Pieter explores the extremes of his musical versatility, while retaining his unique signature. The albums are thematically divided into ‘DAY’ and ‘NIGHT’. ‘DAY’ highlights sensitive, romantic piano compositions, while ‘NIGHT’ offers a more dynamic sound spectrum with electronic elements and loops. In the first “Day” album, ‘Everyday Whispers’, Pieter shows his introspective and sensitive side with short, quiet piano songs. This album was launched last Friday, March 8 and can be listened to on platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal and Amazon Music.